Joint Boards and Partnerships
Moray Council
Audit and Scrutiny Committee
Summary of Audit and Scrutiny Committee functions:
Standards - To ensure that the highest standards of probity and public accountability are demonstrated.
Audit Functions - Consider reports from the Council's internal and external auditors concerning Council Functions.
Scrutiny Functions - To scrutinise areas of policy, service delivery or performance identified for improvement.
Inquiries - To deal with all matters relating to local inquiries into matters affecting children.
Corporate Committee
To regulate, manage and monitor the finances of the Council both capital and revenue; to deal with staffing policies and practices other than for teaching staff; to deal with equal opportunities policies and practices; to deal with procurement policies and priorities; to deal with all matters relating to the Council’s duty to initiate, maintain and facilitate Community Planning; to ensure that the organisation, administrative and management processes of the Council are designed to make the most effective contribution to achieving the Council’s objectives; to provide all central support services; to exercise the functions of the Council in connection with the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages; to deal with valuation and electoral registration matters.
Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee
Services Committee functions:
Roads Authority; Lighting Authority, Reservoirs Act 1975, Public
Passenger Transport; Flood Prevention; Twinning; Piers and Harbours and Coast Protection; Industrial and Commercial Development; Environmental Protection; Burial Grounds; Assistance to Industry or Commerce; Public Conveniences; Council Transportation; Catering & Cleaning; Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003; Countryside Amenities; Tourism, monitoring funding from European Programmes, youth
training and employment creation scheme and provide Architectural, Quantity Surveying, Maintenance and Allied Property Services.
Education, Children's and Leisure Services Committee
Summary of Education, Children's and Leisure Services Committee functions: To exercise all the functions of the Council as Education Authority within the terms of relevant legislation with regard to school education, nurseries and child care, Gaelic, children’s services, leisure, libraries and museums, sport and the arts, CLD, life long learning, youth justice and child protection.
Licensing Board
Please note that the last date for lodging applications for premises licenses and major variation is 6 weeks prior to the Committee.
Licensing Committee
Summary of Licensing Committee functions: To deal with all aspects of the issue of licenses by Local Authorities as required by Government; to deal with matters of Licensing and registration not falling within the functions of any other Committee.
Moray Local Review Body
To conduct reviews in respect of refusal of planning permission or unacceptable conditions as determined by the delegated officer, in terms of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers under Section 43(A)(i) of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Town & Country Planning (Scheme of Delegation and Local Review Procedure)(Scotland) Regulations 2013, or where the Delegated Officer has not determined the application within 3 months of registration.
Police and Fire and Rescue Services Committee
Summary of Police and Fire and Rescue Services Committee functions:
The following functions of the Council shall stand referred or delegated to this Committee:
(1) To deal with all matters relating to Police and fire and Rescue Services in Moray.
(2) To participate in consultations relative to national strategic plans and priorities for the Police and Fire and Rescue Services.
(3) To work with the Local Police Commander and the Local Senior Officer for the Fire and Rescue Service to set priorities and objectives for Local Police Plans and Local fire and Rescue Plans for Moray.
(4) To monitor delivery of the Police and Fire and Rescue Services in Moray, providing feedback and making recommendations for improvements as required.
(5) To call for reports from the Local Police commander or the Local Senior Officer for the Fire and Rescue Service on issues relevant to the delivery of the Police or Fire and Rescue Service in Moray as appropriate.
(6) To facilitate Community Planning relative to the Police and Fire and Rescue Services in accordance with statutory guidance.
Children and Young People's Services Committee
Summary of Children and Young People's Services Committee functions: To exercise all the functions of the Council as Education Authority within the terms of relevant legislation with regard to school education, nurseries and child care, Gaelic, children’s services, leisure, libraries and museums, sport and the arts, CLD, life long learning, youth justice and child protection.
Communities Committee
Summary of Communities Committee functions: To deal with matters relating to Housing/HMOs, Housing Regeneration, Homelessness, Social Inclusion, Equalities, Community Safety, Anti-Social Behaviour (including road accidents) and Community Liaison.
Policy and Resources Committee
To regulate, manage and monitor the finances of the Council both capital and revenue; to deal with staffing policies and practices other than for teaching staff; to deal with equal opportunities policies and practices; to deal with procurement policies and priorities; to deal with all matters relating to the Council’s duty to initiate, maintain and facilitate Community Planning; to ensure that the organisation, administrative and management processes of the Council are designed to make the most effective contribution to achieving the Council’s objectives; to provide all central support services; to exercise the functions of the Council in connection with the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages; to deal with valuation and electoral registration matters.