Scottish Conservative and Unionist
| Councillor Peter Bloomfield | Member |
24/02/2025 - current
Scottish National Party (SNP)
| Councillor Theresa Coull | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
| Councillor John Cowe | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
| Councillor John Divers | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
| Councillor Amber Dunbar | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party (SNP)
| Councillor Jérémie Fernandes | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Labour Party
| Councillor Sandy Keith | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish National Party (SNP)
| Councillor Scott Lawrence | Member |
20/05/2024 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
| Councillor Marc Macrae | Member |
24/05/2022 - current
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
| Councillor Paul McBain | Member |
24/05/2022 - current