A Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Eagle, seconded by Councillor Allan in the following terms:
We give notice as required under standing order 7 that at the next meeting of the Moray Council we will be seeking to change the Convener and Leader with the resulting change to the administration with a view to pursuing a new weighted cabinet governance structure for the Council.
We recognise that the next normal meeting of the Moray Council is not due until 20th January 2021. Given the importance of preparing the budget and to allow either the current administration or a new administration to work productively for the people of Moray, we are today seeking support to bring forward the debate on the future administration.
Therefore, this motion seeks to inform the council of plans to change the administration and to seek Councillor’s support to agree to a meeting being called around 2 weeks from now to allow for this debate to progress prior to the next official meeting.
Therefore, this motion seeks to inform the council of plans to change the administration and to seek Councillor’s support to agree to a meeting being called around 2 weeks from now to allow for this debate to progress prior to the next official meeting.
In presenting the Motion Councillor Eagle stated that in terms of Standing Order (SO) 7 the motion was simply a statement giving notice of the intention having a debate around the change in the administration of the Council and the securing of a cabinet governance structure and under the terms of SO 7 needed to give notice at one meeting to be able to discuss it at the next. However as the next scheduled meeting of Moray Council was not until January 2021 the motion was also seeking agreement to bring forward the discussion to a special meeting in a few weeks’ time.
Councillor A McLean stated that, whilst he had no issue with the Notice Of Motion, he did have an issue in that the terms of the motion linked the change in leadership to changing the future governance structure, which in his opinion, were two large policy issues to try and bring together in one motion and would be better served being separate from each other.
In response Councillor Eagle stated that whilst he took on board the issue raised by Councillor A McLean, he was of the opinion that the two issues are better served together and that the motion was seeking to put in place a strong administration with a strong governance structure in which to take Moray forward and which in turn responds to the Best Value Audit Report. He further stated that as he had not been advised otherwise, assumed that this was acceptable.
The Head of Governance, Strategy and Performance advised that whilst you can change the administration at the next meeting, to change the operating governance structure model is a longer more complicated process and that officers would work with the movers of the motion to work through that process that satisfied the needs of the Council. He further advised that to change the operating model of the council is likely to take two to three months.
Councillor Leadbitter stated that the point made by Councillor A McLean in regard to whether the proposal to change the administration is dependent upon a different operating model is of critical importance and, he was of the opinion, that this needed to be debated at this meeting. He stated that the Council was currently in the midst of a public health crisis and potentially facing a no deal brexit. These are some of the most turbulent times the Council has had to face and due to the uncertainty surrounding the future administration is stuck in a holding pattern and he stated that if this could be resolved today rather than in two weeks’ time then he would be happy to do that and asked whether the proposal to take over the administration was dependant on there being an executive cabinet model or are they happy to seek administration under the current committee structure?
In response Councillor Eagle stated that he believed that moving to an executive cabinet structure would best serve the Council.
Following further discussion Councillor Leadbitter moved as an amendment that the Council agree to restate its support for a politically balanced committee model of governance and by extension rejects an executive cabinet model of governance. Councillor Morrison seconded the amendment.
Following further lengthy discussion during which the issue of competency was raised, the Head of Governance, Strategy and Performance advised that in his opinion it was competent for the Council to discuss the question of whether it wishes to move to an executive cabinet model or retain the current committee structure and reminded the meeting of the discussion held at the meeting on 12 February 2020 where information had been provided in relation to various cabinet models and at which the decision had been to retain the current committee structure.
The Chief Executive advised the Council that moving to a cabinet model was a significant decision and with no previous experience of the model of working Members would need to be well informed before taking such a decision. From a governance point of view in order to be well informed Members of the Council would need advice and information that is directly relevant, clear and timely and whilst he fully respected the views of the elected members, it is the duty of officers to provide objective advice, and would also need professional advice on any legal, financial and technical matters. All of which Members should be able to refer to in the course of a discussion of this significance.
Following further discussion Councillor Alexander sought clarification from Councillor Eagle that the Conservative Group would not seek to take over the administration of the Council under the current committee governance structure. He further stated that if this was the case that all Members needed to be clear on what they were voting for.
In response Councillor Eagle stated that the Motion was about what was considered to be the best way to move forward and that there was no point in Members voting for the Motion if they did not wish to put in a cabinet structure.
Thereafter following further discussion the Chair asked that the vote be taken.
On a division there voted:
For the Motion (11)
Councillors Eagle, Allan, Brown, Feaver, Gatt, Macrae, M McLean, R McLean, Powell, Ross and Wilson.
For the Amendment (13)
Councillors Leadbitter, Morrison, Alexander, Bremner, Coull, Cowe, Cowie, Coy, Creswell, Divers, Nicol, A McLean and Warren
Abstentions (1)
Councillor Taylor
Accordingly the Amendment became the finding of the meeting and the Council agreed to
restate its support for a politically balanced committee model of governance
and by extension rejects an executive cabinet model of governance.