Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Moray Integration Joint Board
30 Aug 2018 - 09:30 to 12:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1 Welcome and Apologies
2 Declaration of Member's Interests

There were no declarations of Members’ interests in respect of any item on the agenda.



The minute of the meeting of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 26 April 2018 was submitted for approval.


Under reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute the Legal Services Manager (Litigation & Licensing) advised not all changes agreed had been minuted.  Following discussion of requirements the clerk undertook to update the minute.


With this change the minute was agreed.



The Action Log of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 28 June 2018 was discussed and it was noted that all actions due had been completed.


Report by Chief Officer



A report by the Chief Officer (CO) provided the Board with an update on key priorities and projects.


Lengthy discussion took place on the local management arrangements for Dr Gray’s Hospital and whether the CO had capacity to take this on along with her current substantial remit. 


The CO advised the role did not cover operational management of delegated services and undertook to provide a report to the next Board meeting advising the CO's leadership role at Dr Gray's Hospital..


Following further discussion it was agreed to task Mrs Forrest with updating the CO's role and responsibilities to include the new remit with a report to the next meeting for approval of any changes.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. a report on the CO's leadership role at Dr Gray’s Hospital being presented to the next meeting in November; and

  2. task Mrs Forrest with updating the CO's role and responsibilities to include the new remit and providing a report for consideration to the next meeting in November.

Report by Head of Service - Strategy and Commissioning


A report by the Head of Service - Strategy and Commissioning, Moray Council, updated the Board on the implications of the increase to the Scottish Living Wage (SLW) and the requirement for the SLW to be extended to sleepover hours over the course of 2018/19.


The report advised there will be a budgetary impact from the increase from £8.51 to £8.77 (pending review) in the Scottish Local Government Living Wage for Council employees and that a report is being prepared to the Corporate Management Team of Moray Council.  Arrangements are being made to implement the change with effect from 1 September 2018.


In response to a question from Mr Donaghey the Chief Financial Officer advised the increase would be paid from 1 September with no backdated payments being made.  She further advised there is funding in the budget as this was part of the additional funding given previously by the Government.


The Chair was of the opinion that information in the report under the Equalities/Social Economic Impact heading was written to cover the impact on services and she would like this to cover the impact on people in the future.


Thereafter the Board agreed to: 

  1. note the uplift of 3.4% which has been applied for 2018/19 in relation to social care providers including Shared Lives carers and Direct Payments; and

  2. approve the uplift to the SLW sleepover nights rate and draw down the associated funding from 1 September 2018 to ensure consistency with the Local Government application and in line with the Scottish Government requirement to implement within the 2018/19 financial year.

Report by Head of Primary Care, Specialist Health Improvement Services and NHS Community Children’s Services



Under reference to paragraph 12 of the draft Minute of the meeting of the Board dated 28 June 2018 a report by the Head of Primary Care, Specialist Health Improvement Services and NHS Community Children's Services presented the Moray Primary Care Improvement Plan (PCIP) and noted the content, actions and financial commitment that demonstrates how the new General Medical Services contract will be implemented between April 2018 and March 2021.


Discussion took place on the plan and on the Direction to be issued to Grampian Health Board.


Thereafter the Board agreed: 

  1. the revised final version of the Moray PCIP which was submitted to the Scottish Government on 31 July 2018; and

  2. that an updated direction will be issued to Grampian Health Board to reflect the requirement to deliver Primary Care Services in line with the Moray PCIP.

Report by Chief Financial Officer



A report by the Chief Financial Officer updated the Board on the current Revenue Budget reporting position as at 30 June 2018.


Discussion took place on the budget position and in response to a query from the Chair the Chief Financial Officer advised it would be possible to include costs of identified posts in appendix 3 of the report for all future reports.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. note the financial position of the Board as at 30 June 2018 is showing an overspend of £1,032,044;
  2. note the revisions to staffing arrangements dealt with under delegated powers and in accordance with financial regulations with the Council and NHS Grampian for the period 1 April to 30 June 2018 as shown in appendix 3 of the report;

  3. approve for issue, the revised Directions arising from the updated budget position shown in appendices 4 and 5 of the report; and

  4. appendix 3 of the report to include costs of identified posts in all future reports. 
9 pdf Merit Awards (112Kb)

Report by Chief Officer



Under reference to paragraph 10 of the Minute of the meeting of 26 October 2017 a report by the Chief Officer informed the Board of the format and schedule for the annual awards ceremony, celebrating the dedication and efforts of staff working within Health and Social Care Moray.


Discussion took place on the scheme and it was noted that as there are other schemes within NHS that it would be incumbent on those allocating the awards to check that the recipient was not being awarded elsewhere for the same work.


In response to a query from the Chair the Corporate Manager advised she could add information to the scheme to allow for a Chair's award.


Thereafter, following further discussion, the Board agreed to approve the: 

  1. criteria for selection;

  2. timing and format of the event; and

  3. the addition of the opportunity for a Chair's award to be added to the Scheme.

Report by Chief Officer



Under reference to paragraph 9 of the Minute of the meeting of the Board dated 31 August 2017 a report by the Chief Officer proposed the schedule of meetings of the Moray Integration Joint Board (MIJB); the Audit, Performance and Risk (APR) Committee; and the Clinical and Care Governance (CCG) Committee for 2019/20.


Following discussion the Board agreed to endorse the schedule of meetings for the MIJB, APR Committee and CCG Committee for 2019/20.


Report by Head of Service, Strategy and Commissioning



Under reference to paragraph 11 of the Minute of the meeting of 31 August 2017 a report by the Head of Service, Strategy and Commissioning, informed the Board of the progress made in implementing the Learning Disability Transformation Project Plan and the benefits that have been realised to date.


The importance of reflection on the model of transformation was discussed.  Areas under transformation need to be known so they can be properly assessed and effects of transformation known.


Thereafter the Board agreed to note: 

  1. the progress made to date in implementing the Learning Disability Transformation Project Plan;

  2. the financial and non-financial benefits that have been realised to date; and

  3. that further updates will be provided to the Board as the project continues to progress.
12 pdf Financial Outlook (145Kb)

Report by Chief Financial Officer



Under reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting of 29 March 2018 a report by the Chief Financial Officer provided the Board with an overview and early indication of the scale of financial challenge facing the Board over the 5 year period 2018/19 - 2022/23.


The Board discussed various areas in relation to the current financial position and the challenges facing the Board in respect of increasing demand for services and constrained financial resources.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. note that the delegated services are reporting an overspend of £1.032m on core services for the first 3 months of the financial year;

  2. acknowledge the initial financial outlook over the next 5 years; and

  3. support the development of an underpinning financial strategy aligned to the Strategic Plan 2019-2022.

The minute of the meeting of the Moray Integration Joint Board Audit and Risk Committee dated 28 March 2018 was submitted and noted.



Under reference to paragraph 10 of the minute of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 26 October 2017 the Board agreed that the following items be brought to the attention of the public:


  1. MERIT Awards;

  2. Performance; and

  3. Self-management.

Item which the Board will consider with the Press and Public excluded
Towerview Day Service

A confidential report by John Campbell, Service Manager - Provider Services, informed the Board of operational challenges at Towerview Day Service and provided options for the future sustainability of the service.


Following lengthy discussion the Board agreed to receive a further report in February 2019.


Councillor Morrison, Chair, left the meeting during discussion of this item.


Thereafter the Chair was taken by Mrs Lester.

Private Items
15 Towerview Day Service
  • 13. Information, which if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the Authority proposes, for the purposes of consultation, make an order or direction under any enactment which might allow an individual or organisation to defeat the purpose of the notice or order;


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Mr Ivan Augustus  
Dame Anne Begg  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Legal Services Manager (Litigation and Licensing); Joyce Lorimer, Service Manager; Robin Paterson, Senior Project Officer; Angela Keegan, Day Services Manager and Mrs Caroline Howie, Committee Services Officer as Clerk to the Meeting (all Moray Council).


Also Present


Councillor Theresa Coull, Moray Council and Ms Heidi Tweedie, tsiMoray.

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