Under reference to paragraph 14 of the minute of the previous meeting of 26 September 2018, Mrs Slater sought clarification on her request for the number of Principal Teacher posts which were advertised and not filled which have since gone to Joint Principal Teacher Posts?
In response, the Head of Schools and Curriculum Development advised that the figures had not been circulated. This was due to the information not being recorded however, she was able to confirm that less than 10 were filled due to the inability to fill the post, some were done for salary reasons to make a post more attractive, a few were done for sustainability of a subject in 1 person departments and some were for budgetary reasons when a post became vacant.
Councillor Ross questioned the Chair why she had not shared a letter received from the Educational Institute of Scotland detailing its findings after a survey of its Members on Scottish National Standardised Assessments. The results of this survey raised enormous concerns particulary regarding Primary 1 testing. The letter was sent to all Children and Young Person Committee Chairs and Education Committee Chairs.
In response the Chair said that she had not been aware that she was expected to share the letter but could circulate the letter if that is what was requested.
Councillor Ross thanked the Chair.
Councillor Creswell requested an update on the impact of the new 33 period week in Secondary Schools.
In response, the Head of Schools and Curriculum Development stated that it is still early days and discussions are still taking place on the best use of the time but feedback so far has been positive.
Councillor Alexander sought clarification on whether there is a Council policy on Head Teachers encouraging parents to consider sending their children to the Head Teacher’s school following him being advised about a video on social media.
In response the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that it is not a policy of the Council for Head Teachers to make promotional videos pitting one school against another and thanked Councillor Alexander for bringing the video to his attention. He acknowledged that the Head of Schools and Curriculum Development and himself will look at the video closely and consider what was said and will discuss the issue with the Head Teacher concerned.
Councillor Allan asked the Chair to join him in congratulating Mrs Mumford and the pupils from Lossiemouth High School who had recently performed their song Skies the Limit in the music room at Buckingham Palace.
Councillor Morrison asked the Chair and the Acting Corporated Director (Education and Social Care) if they were aware of the work that is being done at Banff Academy alonside Aberdeen University, looking at developing a Scots language award as their appears to be links between attainment and the use of your own dialect and whether this could be considered in Moray.
In response the Head of Schools and Curriculum Development confirmed that in the 1 plus 2 languages have instances where Scots is the additional language that is being taught.
The Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) further added that it is well proven through research that being bi-lingual has a major effect on their attainment.
Councillor Alexander congratulated the Education section on the video that has been made and distributed via social media encouraging people to come and teach in Moray.
Councillor Coy requested whether a press release could be written to help banish the myth that Moray does not welcome teachers from other countries. Councillor Coy added that there is a preconception out there that Moray will not employ other nationalities and works hard to dispel the myth.
The Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) further added that teachers of any nationality are welcome provided they are registered with the General Teaching Council Scotland.