Public Items
Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests *
Planning Application 21/00044/PPP - Proposed subdivision of garden ground to form building plot at 33 Golf Crescent Hopeman
Planning Application 20/00474/APP - Demolish existing services station and garage and erect retail unit, light industrial unit and 2no blocks of residential flats at Hopeman Service Station, Forsyth Street Hopeman, Elgin.
Planning Application 20/00474/APP - Demolish existing services station and garage and erect retail unit, light industrial unit and 2no blocks of residential flats at Hopeman Service Station, Forsyth Street Hopeman, Elgin.
Planning Application 20/01658/APP – Erect 1.25 Storey Dwelling House and Detached Timber Garage at Site South-West of Sourbank Farm, Rafford, Forres
Planning Application 21/00272/APP – Change of use and alterations to boat-shed to provide a hut for occasional overnight stays at site adjacent to 212A Findhorn, Moray
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No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
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