A report by the Corporate Manager informed the Board of changes to Membership due to the requirement for the Chair and Vice-Chair positions on the Board to rotate between NHS Grampian and Moray Council.
Mr Robertson said that it had been a pleasure to Chair the IJB for the length of his term and thanked Councillor Coull on her role as Chair of the Clinical and Care Governance Group as Professor Nick Fluck was taking over the role as a Voting NHS Member.
In regard to the Chairs of Clinical and Care Governance, Mr Robertson, seconded by Councillor Morrison proposed Professor Nick Fluck and Audit, Performance and Risk, Mr Robertson seconded by Councillor Morrison proposed Mr Sandy Riddell. As there was no one otherwise minded the new Chairs were agreed.
Councillor Morrison thanked Councillor Coull for her work as the outgoing Chair of the Audit, Performance and Risk Group.
Following consideration the Board agreed:
i) |
to note the Chair and Vice-Chair were due to rotate on 1 April 2021 and confirms the Vice-Chair appointment of Mr Robertson; |
ii) |
a new Chair for Audit, Performance and Risk (APR) Committee from the voting membership of NHS Grampian being Mr Sandy Riddell and Professor Nick Fluck taking over the role of Chair on Clinical and Care Governance; and |
iii) |
to note the progress update for the proposed increase in voting membership. |
Councillor Shona Morrison, thanked Mr Robertson for his work in chairing the IJB and thereafter chaired the meeting as the Chair of the IJB for the next 18 months until 1 October 2022.