Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Children and Young People's Services Committee
4 Mar 2020 - 09:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1. Sederunt
2. Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests *

In terms of Standing Order 20 and the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, there were no declarations from Group Leaders or Spokespersons in regard to any prior decisions taken on how Members will vote on any item on the agenda or any declarations of Member’s interests in respect of any item on the agenda.



3. Resolution

Consider, and if so decide, adopt the following resolution:

"That under Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for Item 22 of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the relevant Paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.”



The meeting resolved in terms of Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the items of business appearing at the relevant paragraphs of this minute as specified below, so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the appropriate paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.


Paragraph Number of the Minute Para Number of Schedule 7A
23  Information relating to any consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relations

4. Presentation on 'What's Child Poverty Got to Do with my Setting' by Jo Kirby, Northern Alliance



A presentation by Jo Kirby from the Northern Alliance on What’s Child Poverty Got to Do with My Setting was given to the Committee.




The minute of the meeting of the Children and Young People's Services Committee dated 18 December 2019 was submitted and approved.


6. Written Questions **

The Committee noted that no written questions had been submitted.



A Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Eagle, seconded by Councillor Feaver in the following terms:-


There are various views on the use of mobile phones in schools, a subject which has been debated widely throughout the UK and in Europe. Whilst it is clear we now live in a digital age where technology will be a key part of most occupations now and in the future, there is a growing discussion over whether the use of mobile phones in schools is conducive to positive education or not. We believe Moray should be having a discussion around the use of mobile phones in schools and in order to do that we require the evidence both for and against.


With this in mind Council is asked to –


  • Note that there are a wide range of views on the use of personal mobile phones in school.

  • Agree that education officers will compile a report for the next Children’s Committee meeting which will give the positives and negatives of mobile phone use in school and which gives members of the committee the option to decide whether to ban the use of mobile phones in schools across Moray.


In response, Councillor Warren confirmed that the Committee had considered a similar request from Councillor Eagle on 25 May 2019 and it was agreed that a report would be brought to a future Committee on this subject and therefore this notice of motion does not require determination.  However, Councillor Warren was aware that this action was still outstanding and understood that workload pressures within the service have prevented progress.


Councillor Warren then invited the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisation Development) to update the Committee on progress with the report.


The Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) suggested that the issue of mobile phone use is considered in the wider context of other digital technology and priorities within schools and how the Council develops it.  In terms of the use of digital technology, that will be a key consideration as work within the Improvement and Modernisation plan progresses in relation to the innovative learning experiences  because that includes the digital solutions that would be required to deliver the curriculum in a different way.


She further added that the Council is going to secure additional funding through the Northern Alliance in the form of appointing a Depute Head Teacher to lead on digital work which will mean that the Council can work collaboratively with other authorities in the Northern Alliance  and will have the scope to move this whole project forward.


She concluded that a report back to this Committee will be presented within the next 6 months.  The Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) suggested that although this did not address the notice of motion specifically, her suggestion was to look at the digital technology as a whole and include the use of mobile phones within that piece of work.


Councillor Warren sought confirmation from the Committee that they were happy to accept the recommendation from the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development).


In response, Councillor Eagle expressed his disappointment that neither Councillor Warren nor any officers had taken to opportunity to speak to him prior to the meeting and was effectively throwing out his motion and questioned whether this action was procedurally correct by not giving him the opportunity to speak to his notice of motion.


He further expressed his frustration that the request had initially been asked in May 2019, 9 committees have taken place since then and still the report is outstanding.


In response the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) confirmed that the Chair had not thrown the motion out, rather, the Chair had confirmed that the decision had already been taken by the Committee and unless the Committee are minded to change that position then the notice of motion does not require to be debated again.


Councillor Eagle added that the initial request had been for a paper to come back to the next meeting of the Committee and that had not happened and no update had been received, so he felt that he was within his right to submit the notice of motion to request the report again.  He further added that he is pleased that this piece of work is now moving forward but urged for a guarantee that a report will come back as the subject needs to be debated in the Chamber.


The Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) confirmed that the Committee had already determined that this piece of work had to be done but acknowledged that the Service need to provide answers as to why the piece of work has not been completed but that what has been suggested that the use of mobile phones in schools is included in a wider piece of work and not best to debate in isolation.


Councillor Ross added that he felt the notice in motion in front of the Committee should be debated.


In response Councillor Warren felt that the Committee had determined the issue before and proposed accepting the Officers response for  a report to come back to Committee within 6 months, this was seconded by Councillor Morrison.


Councillor Feaver asked if Legal advice could be sought on the issue before moving forward.


The Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) sought clarification on the legal point needing clarified.


Councillor Eagle requested a short adjournment to obtain legal advice on the proposed way forward.


On the resumption of the meeting Councillor Eagle sought clarification from the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) that the context of of his notice of motion will be included in the report then he would be happy to go with the amended motion that had been proposed.


In response, the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) gave assurance that the context of Councillor Eagle’s notice of motion will be included in the report to Committee within 6 months.


The secondary school representative expressed a concern about the potential to ban mobile phones from school as this was not in the original notice of motion and sought clarification on the point.


In response, Councillor Eagle said that he was not looking for his specific wording to be included in the report, more for the topic of mobile phones to be debated in the wider context of the piece of work explained by the  Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) and not asking for specific actions.


Councillor Alexander sought clarification on whether the report will include consultation with parents.


In response, the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) advised that the scope of the work is currently being worked out and will be reported to the Transforming Learning Board so a detailed plan is not yet available but will be worked on over the coming weeks. 


As there was no one otherwise minded the Committee agreed that the issue of mobile phones is considered alongside other digital technology and priorities.  As a key consideration in the planned work under the Council’s Improvement and Modernisation Programme on an innovative learning experience which includes using digital solutions to deliver the curriculum and a report will come back to this Committee within 6 months.

Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) provided the Committee with a summary of the data collected in June 2019 and provided to the Scottish Government at the end of August 2019 regarding Teacher Judgements on children and young people achieving Curriculum for Excellence levels which appear in the Scottish Government report published in December 2019.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the content of the report.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) updated the Committee on the progress made to date following the first year of implementation of the restructured secondary school week in Moray during session 2018/19.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to:


i) to note the position in respect of progress made to date following the first year of implementation following the restructured secondary school week; and
ii) note the overview plans for ongoing development and improvement of the school week to raise attainment and achievement for young people in Moray.

Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) informed Committee of projects and proposed expenditure for Capital Budgets within Education and Social Care for 2019/20.


The Chair asked members of the Committee to note that the semi colon and the word 'and' will be removed and replaced with a full stop from section 2.1 (ii) and apologised for the error.


Following consideration the Committee agreed:


i) to note the Education and Social Care Capital Budgets to 31 December 2019; and
ii)  that any final financial settlement with Springfield Properties will be determined at the end of the Linkwood School Project to ensure the actual costs are recovered.



Report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) informed the Committee of the budget position for Education and Children and Families Services as at 31 December 2019.


Following consideration, the Committee agreed to note the budget position as at 31 December 2019.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) invited the Committee to scrutinize and note the progress made at St Sylvester's Nursery, an Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) setting in Moray, following an inspection re-visit in October 2019 by Education Scotland.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) informed the Committee of the content of singleton inspection reports of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) centres by the Care Inspectorate which were published during November 2019 and January 2020.  These were:


Spring Kinloss, Kinloss

Ladybird Development Group, Lossiemouth

Burghead Primary School Nursery, Burghead

Magic Roundabout Childcare Centre, Elgin

St Sylvester's Nursery, Elgin

Portessie Playgroup, Portessie


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.

Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) invited the Committee to scrutinise and note the outcomes of the recently published report on a Moray school following inspection by Education Scotland and/or the Care Inspectorate.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the content of the report.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) invited the Committee to scrutinise and note the outcomes of the recently published report on a Moray School following inspection by Education Scotland.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the content of the report.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) informed the Committee of the findings of the Schools for the Future Review visits to the Milnes High School Associated Schools Group (ASG) which took place in September 2019.


The Chair informed the Committee that Milne's Primary School should be graded B and not C as stated in the report and at section 3.11, Lhanbryde and Milne's Primary should be deleted from the list of schools requiring significant capital investment.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to:


i) note the report; and
ii) receive a further report detailing the new Schools for the Future Strategy in line with the Council's on-going Property Asset Management Review and the resource required to implement. 

Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) outlined the performance of services for the period 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019.


The Chair informed the Committee that the report had been written by Iain Sneddon, Research and Information Officer and apologised that this information was missing from the report.


Councillor Coy sought clarification on the deadlines for complaints to Education not being met due to school holidays and asked whether the holiday dates could be discounted from the calculation.


In response, the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) suggested that the response times may be set down in complaints guidance, however agreed to check with the Complaints Officer to clarify the situation.


Following further consideration the Committee agreed to:


i) note the performance against Education and Social Care Performance Indicators as at the end of September 2019; and
ii) welcome good performance as indicated in the report and notes actions being taken to seek improvements where required.



Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Chief Officer, Moray Integration Joint Board, informed the Committee of the work undertaken by the Moray Fostering and Adoption Panel during the period January to December 2019.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the work of the Moray Fostering and Adoption Panel in the period January to December 2019.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Chief Officer, Moray Integration Joint Board, invited the Committee to note the inspection of Moray's Adoption Service by the Care Inspectorate which was completed on 23 October 2019.


The Head of Integrated Children's Services, in connection with this report and the next report on the agenda, acknowledged the drop in performance and assured the Committee that the Service are on top of this and working on action plans to improve performance.


Following consideration, the Committee agreed to note the content of the inspection report into the Moray Adoption Service.


Report by Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development)



A report by the Chief Officer, Moray Integration Joint Board, invited the Committee to note the inspection of Moray's Fostering Service by the Care Inspectorate which was completed on 23 October 2019.


Following consideration, the Committee agreed to note the content of the inspection report into Moray's Fostering Service.


21 Question Time ***

Consider any oral question on matters delegated to the Committee in terms of the Council's Scheme of Administration. 



Under reference to paragraph14 of the minute of this meeting of 18 December 2019, Councillor Feaver sought clarification on her question regarding College Lecturers.  Councillor Feaver asked whether the Lecturers teaching the young people at Moray College were GTC registered?


In response, the Head of Education confirmed that all Lecturers who are offering help for  Advanced Highers are GTC registered but not all Lecturers at Moray College are GTC registered.


Following derogatory comments made on Social Media the previous day regarding the press release about the Council’s decision to pilot a programme for Gypsy/Travellers stopover sites, Councillor Morrison asked whether the Council’s Gypsy/Traveller Teachers have looked at working in Partnership with Gypsy/Travellers to educate our young people?


In response, the Head of Education confirmed that part of the work around wellbeing and the curriculum around wellbeing looks at diversity and looks at all the different cultures and that would be part of the PSE programme in schools and the curriculum offer where teachers would engage with children about knowing about different cultures and the use of racist language.  So it is part of the Curriculum for Excellence.



The meeting was chaired by Councillor Sonya Warren.


Approach to a Learning Estate Strategy

A report by the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development) sought recommendation to Council to support a new approach to developing a long term strategy for the learning estate.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to remit to Council to:


i) approve the draft approach to a learning estate strategy; 
ii) approve the provision of £200,000 budget for the establishment of a Service Manager post supported by a project officer, Community Support Officer and operational budget;
iii)   note that early discussion will take place with the Scottish Government on potential opportunities for funding the delivery of the Learning Estate to support the Council's investment; and
iv) that the section of the ten year capital plan relating to replacement and refurbishment of schools is developed in detail in tandem with the development of the learning estate strategy.



Private Items
22. Approach to a Learning Estate Strategy
  • 1. Information relating to staffing matters;
  1. Approach to a Learning Estate Strategy - Appendix 1
    • 1. Information relating to staffing matters;
Summary of Children and Young People's Services Committee functions:

To exercise all the functions of the Council as Education Authority within the terms of relevant legislation with regard to school education, nurseries and child care, Gaelic, children’s services, leisure, libraries and museums, sport and the arts, CLD, life long learning, youth justice and child protection.





Only items marked * can be considered and determined by all members of the Committee


Supplementary Agenda

Public Items

Report by the Chief Officer, Moray Health and Social Care Partnership


Private Items


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Ryan EdwardsPersonal Commitments
Caitlin Thomson-Gardner 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also in attendance at the above meeting were the Depute Chief Executive (Education, Communities and Organisational Development), Head of Education, Head of Integrated Children's Services, Head of Education Resources and Communities, Head of Housing and Property, Quality Improvement Manager, Quality Assurance and Localities Manager and Tracey Sutherland, Committee Services Officer.

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