A report by the Corporate Director (Economic Development, Planning and Infrastructure) asked the Committee to agree that Developer Obligations funds be used towards the replacement Lossiemouth High School and that the process for spending the funds be amended.
During discussion surrounding the proposed change to the Developer Obligations process, specifically in relation to circumstances where there is a split decision within Wards of 4 Elected Members ie Heldon & Laich and Forres, Councillor Alexander queried whether the Head of Development Services could canvas all elected members to gauge their opinion prior to making a decision as he was of the opinion that this would support the democratic process,
In response, the Head of Development Services suggested that, in the event of a split decision in Wards with 4 Members, he could make a decision in consultation with the Chair of Policy and Resources.
On considering the opinion of Councillor Alexander and the advice from the Head of Development Services, the Chair moved that the Committee agree the recommendations as detailed within the report subject to an amendment to recommendation (iii) to state that, in the case of a split decision within Wards of four Elected Members the decision be delegated to the Head of Development Services, who will canvas the opinion of members of the Policy and Resources Committee, and reach a decision in consultation with the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Alexander.
Councillor Brown was not in favour of the proposed changes to the Developer Obligations process and moved, as an amendment, that the current procedure remain unchanged and that the Committee agree recommendations (i) and (ii) only. This was seconded by Councillor Eagle.
On a division there voted:
For the motion (7):
Councillors A McLean, Alexander, Cowe, Creswell, Laing, Leadbitter and Morrison
For the amendment (6):
Councillors Brown, Macrae, Divers, Eagle, Edwards and Warren.
Abstentions (0):
Accordingly, the motion became the finding of the Committee and it was agreed:
- to note the content of the report;
- to allocate £20,851 Developer Obligations to the replacement Lossiemouth High School as set out in Section 4 of the report; and
- that the Developer Obligations process be streamlined as set out in Section 5 of the report, with the addition that, in the case of a split decision within Wards of four Elected Members the decision be delegated to the Head of Development Services, who will canvas the opinion of members of the Policy and Resources Committee, and reach a decision in consultation with the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee.