Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Children and Young People's Services Committee
29 May 2019 - 09:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1. Sederunt
2. Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests *

In terms of Standing Order 20 and the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, there were no declarations from Group Leaders or Spokespersons in regard to any prior decisions taken on how Members will vote on any item on the agenda or any declarations of Member’s interests in respect of any item on the agenda.



3. Resolution

Consider, and if so decide, adopt the following resolution:

"That under Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for Item 16 of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the relevant Paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.”



The Council resolved that, in terms of Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for Item 16 of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the relevant Paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.



The minute of the meeting of Children and Young People's Committee on 3 April 2019 was submitted and approved.


5. Written Questions **

The Committee noted that no written questions had been received.


6.* pdf Young Carers Strategy (208Kb)
Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)

A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed the Committee of the Young Carers Strategy 2018-19 and the revision of the young carers statement.


Following consideration, the Committee agreed to approve:


i) the Young Carers Strategy 2018-19;
ii) the reviewed young carers statement; and
iii) the plan moving forward from 2019, for an all age strategy review to co-ordinate with the adult strategy - Carry on Caring 2016-19. 



Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



Councillor Laing left the meeting during the discussion of this item.


A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed Committee of the educational performance of Moray's schools in 2017/18.


During lengthy discussion the Committee scrutinised the performance details within the report the sought the agreement of the Committee to adjourn for lunch.  This was unanimously agreed.




In terms of Standing Order 25, the meeting agreed to adjourn at 12.45pm for lunch and reconvene at 2.00pm.





Councillors Warren (Chair) Morrison (Depute), Alexander, Brown, Coy, Creswell, Eagle, Feaver, Laing, A McLean, Ross, Ms Stuart, Mrs Slater and Ms Burt.



Councillors Allan, Edwards, Ms Currie, Mrs Belcher and Reverend Rongong.



Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care), the Head of Schools and Curriculum Development, the Acting Head of Integrated Children's Services and Tracey Sutherland, Committee Services Officer.


Following further lengthy discussion the Committee agreed to note the educational performance for 2017/18 as detailed in Appendix 1.



Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed members of actions to raise attainment in Moray's schools.


Following lengthy discussions, the Secondary School representative raised concerns about the information in the report being available publicly and moved that in future, if the reports are made public no departments or individual members of staff are identified, in line with HMiE inspection reports.


As there was no one otherwise minded the motion became the finding of the meeting and Committee also agreed to note the report.





Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed Committee of the content of singleton inspection reports of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) centres by the Care Inspectorate which were published during January to March 2019.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed Committee of projects and proposed expenditure for Capital Budgets within Education and Social Care for 2019/20.


Following consideration, the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed Committee of projects and the outturn expenditure for Capital Budgets within Education and Social Care for 2018/19.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed the Committee of the budget position for Education and Children and Families Services as at 31 March 2019.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the budget position at 31 March 2019.


Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed the Committee of the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award which is being promoted across Moray to ensure children and young people in our educational establishments are learning about their rights and it is embedded in the culture and ethos of our schools.


Following consideration the Committee noted the contents of the report.


Report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care)



A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) informed Committee of the project to provide free sanitary protection to all pupils eligible throughout the school estate.


Following consideration the Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


15.* Question Time ***

Consider any oral question on matters delegated to the Committee in terms of the Council's Scheme of Administration. 



Under reference to paragraph 8 of the minute of the meeting of 3 April 2019, Councillor Eagle sought an update on when the report detailing the new Schools for the future Strategy which will be in line with the Council’s ongoing Property Asset Management review will be presented.


In response the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that a report will be presented to Members either at Policy and Resources Committee or Moray Council, hopefully in the next cycle of meetings following the summer recess.


Councillor Alexander sought an update on the meetings between the Chief Executive and Education Scotland.


In response the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Work) confirmed that the Council is not on the verge of an Education Scotland inspection as the meetings referred to earlier by Mrs Cross have assured Education Scotland that the Council is on an improvement journey and that the improvement plan shows the direction the authority is travelling. 


Councillor Ross sought an update on the replacement for Mr Jarvis as Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) and also what stage of the recruitment process is the Head of Integrated Children’s Services vacancy.


In response, the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that the recruitment process has started for the Head of Integrated Children’s Services and the future of the Corporate Director (Education and Children’s Services) is unclear and a decision will not be taken until the outcome of the management review is complete.


Councillor Eagle requested a report to the next meeting of the Children and Young People’s Committee on the use of mobile phones in school, setting out the positives and negatives to allow a good debate.  The Chair confirmed that she too would like to see a report on the subject.


The Secondary School Rep, who sits on the ICT Strategy Group confirmed that the issue of mobile phones has been on the agenda of the group and a recommendation will be coming from the Strategy Group.


Councillor Feaver requested whether a report could be brought to Moray Council in June on banning the use of balloons and sky lanterns into environment.


The Chair agreed to pass the request to the relevant officers for a report to be presented to the correct Committee.


Mrs Slater sought clarification on who has the strategic overview for ASN, now that the ASN manager post has been removed.


The Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that it lies within the remit of the Head of Integrated Children’s Services.


Councillor Creswell sought an update on who was responsible for Elgin Community Centre and the moving of staff from Auchernack to Forres Community Centre following the budget agreement.


In response, the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that it was under the remit of the review being carried out by the Head of Housing and Property and his staff.


Councillor Creswell sought clarification on the Complaints staffing within the Council and do they have a remit across the Council.


In response, the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that the Council has 1 Complaints Officer who works across the Council.  The new Complaints Officer which is being appointed within Education and Social Care will be employed to deal with Education and Social Care complaints but will work alongside the Council’s Complaints Officer.


Councillor Laing sought an update on automated benefit payments and applying for school clothing grants and free school meals.


In response, the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) confirmed that the Council are looking at digitising all payments to the Council.

Chair of Meeting

The meeting was chaired by Councillor Sonya Warren.


Hellos and Goodbyes

The Committee joined the Chair in welcoming Reverend Tembu Rongong to his first meeting of the Committee.  Rev Rongong is the new 3rd religious representative from the Scottish Episcopal Church and has recently moved to Moray as the Priest in Charge of Holy Trinity, Elgin and St Margaret’s in Lossiemouth.  Rev Rongong previously worked in Edinburgh.


The Committee, joined the Chair in thanking Leah Burt, the outgoing pupil representative from Elgin Academy, the Chair thanked her for her contributions to the Committee and wished her all the best in the future.


The Chair also noted that this would be the last Committee meeting for Mr Jarvis and Ms Henwood.  Ms Henwood leaves the Council to take up a new position with Fife Council and Mr Jarvis is retiring at the beginning of August.  The Committee joined the Chair in wishing them both well on their life after Moray Council.

Order of Agenda

The Chair advised the Committee that Item 8 on the agenda will be taken first before Item 6 to allow the Secondary Head Teachers to leave following the item.


Management of Early Learning and Childcare Settings - Policy Approach [Para 8 & 9]

A report by the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) invited Committee to agree the policy approach to the management of Moray Council owned Early Learning and Childcare settings.


The Secondary School Representative raised concerns about the proposed policy approach as detailed in section 4.10 of the report and in particular the 3rd bullet point:


  • Where there is a review of education provision within a locality, which includes the provision of funded ELC (e.g. Schools for the Future Review, Learning Estates Strategy)


She further added that in section 4.11 the policy approach doesn’t refer to that particular situation.


In response the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) sought to come back to the Secondary School Representative following discussion with the Senior Project Manager (Early Learning and Childcare Expansion)


Following consideration the Committee agreed the proposed policy approach to the management of Moray Council ELC settings as set out in the paper with the caveat that clarification is sought regarding the 3rd bullet point and that the policy can be implemented on the 4 cases as detailed in the Appendix.


Private Items
Item(s) which the Committee may wish to consider with the Press and Public excluded


16.* Management of Early Learning Centre Settings - Policy Approach
  • 8 & 9. Information on proposed terms and/or expenditure to be incurred by the Authority;
  1. Management of ELC Settings - Policy Approach - Appendix 1
    • 8 & 9. Information on proposed terms and/or expenditure to be incurred by the Authority;
Only items marked * can be considered and determined by all members of the Committee


Summary of Children and Young People's Services Committee functions:

To exercise all the functions of the Council as Education Authority within the terms of relevant legislation with regard to school education, nurseries and child care, Gaelic, children’s services, leisure, libraries and museums, sport and the arts, CLD, life long learning, youth justice and child protection.






Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Ms Nicola Belcher 
Mrs Anne Currie 
Councillor Ryan EdwardsNo reason given
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Also in attendance at the above meeting were the Acting Corporate Director (Education and Social Care), Head of Schools and Curriculum Development, Acting Head of Integrated Children's Services, Karen Lees and Stewart McLaughlin, Quality Improvement Officers, Children's Wellbeing Manager, Education Support Officer (Pastoral Care), Hugh McCulloch, Kyle Scott, Jan Sinclair, Patricia Goodbrand, Neil Johnston, Janice Simpson and Trish Cameron, Secondary Head Teachers and Tracey Sutherland, Committee Services Officer.

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