Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Moray Integration Joint Board
29 Nov 2018 - 09:30 to 12:40
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Public Items
1 Welcome and Apologies

The Chair in noting there were members of the public present welcomed them to the meeting.  She further welcomed the GPs from Forres and the Council Leader, Councillor Graham Leadbitter.


2 Declaration of Member's Interests

There were no declarations of Members' interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


3 Minutes


Report by the Chief Officer



A report by the Chief Officer (CO) provided the Board with an update on key priorities and projects.


The CO advised on national recognition received by teams within Health and Social Care Moray.  Two awards had been received for posters advising of programmes to help improve health, the CO stated this was possible due to real collaboration and system working.


The Chair advised the Community Wellbeing Development Team had, only the previous day, been advised they were the recipients of the Colleagues Choice STAR (Special Thanks and Recognition) Award which formally recognises outstanding contributions of staff in Moray Council.




Report by the Chief Officer



Under reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of 10 November 2016 a report by the Chief Officer asked the Board to consider an addition to the Chief Officer's operational responsibilities in relation to hospital services.


During discussion it was noted the Chief Officer's post is a demanding post and any additional workload would require to be kept under review.


Following further discussion the Board agreed to: 

  1. approve the addition to the Chief Officer's operational responsibilities as detailed in section 4 and appendix 1 of the report; and

  2. seek a further report in 12 months to review the Chief Officer's workload.

Report by the Legal Services Manager (Litigation & Licensing), Moray Council



Under reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting dated 28 June 2018 a report by the Legal Services Manager (Litigation & Licensing), Moray Council, asked the Board to review part of the Board's Scheme of Administration, which deals with the Board's committee structure and working groups in relation to the Strategic Planning and Commissioning Group.  The report further asked the Board to note the approach being set out in pursuit of a whole systems planning approach.


The Chair advised appendix 1 of the report should have been highlighted to show changes but that this was not evident on the paper copies issued only on the online version of the appendix. 


The Chief Officer (CO) advised the changes noted online to those with paper copies of the appendix and the reasoning behind the suggested amendments.


Mr Passmore sought clarification on the CO having the authority to sign off work without the agreement of the Board.


In response the CO advised there had been many discussions on hosting services and the Board, as a Public Body, directed the NHS and Local Authority to undertake work, the CO did not have authority to do this without Board approval.


Mrs Webb was of the opinion the Plan would benefit from having decision making criteria included.


In response the CO advised the Plan was a first draft which would be refined to include decision making criteria.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. note the Strategic Planning and Commissioning Group arrangements attached as appendix 1 of the report;

  2. changes to the arrangements as noted in appendix 1 of the report;

  3. note the local and planned pan-Grampian approach to strategic planning and transformation;

  4. note the Sustainability and Transformation Plan will be presented to the Board in the spring of 2019; and

  5. the inclusion of decision making criteria in the Plan.

Report by Lesley Attridge, Service Manager



Under reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting dated 26 April 2018 a report by Lesley Attridge, Service Manager, informed the Board of the progression of the redesign of Health and Social Care Services in the Forres locality.


It was stated that a lot had been achieved since April 2018 and it had come time to seek permission to continue with the changes proposed.  Public confidence and communication were seen as key elements in progressing the project.  The Board acknowledged the work carried out to date and made reference to the focus now required in the next phase of the Forres transformation programme in establishing the principles of whole system working.


Lengthy discussion took place on the documentation supporting the evaluation process and the measured outcomes.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. note the progress to date of the development of Forres Locality Multi-disciplinary team as an evolving system in line with the key objectives of Health and Social Care Moray;

  2. note the initial findings of the independent research undertaken by Dundee University in relation to the application of the Buurtzorg principles in developing the Forres Neighbourhood Care Team (FNCT), as noted in appendix 1 of the report;

  3. note the initial findings of the independent research undertaken by Health Improvement Scotland (HiS) in relation to emergency admissions, readmissions and emergency bed days for the test of change, as noted in appendix 2 of the report;

  4. note the initial findings of the independent research undertaken by the Improvement Hub, part of HiS, in relation to the economic impact of the Augmented Care Units (ACUs) and FNCT initiative, as noted in appendix 3 of the report;

  5. the decommissioning and permanent closure of services at Leanchoil Community Hospital;

  6. support the continuation of the ACUs and the commissioning of Nursing Home beds for the Forres locality for the next 12 months as the local system evolves through the ongoing development of the transformation plan;

  7. the Board liaising with the NHS Grampian Board to develop options to ensure that the building and site are most effectively utilised for the benefit of the local community; and

  8. the revised direction attached as appendix 4 of the report.

Councillors Leadbitter and Coull left the meeting during discussion of this item.


Report by the Chief Officer



Under reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting dated 14 December 2017 a report by the Chief Officer presented the draft Moray Integration Joint Board Climate Change Duties Report submission for 2017/18.


Following discussion the Board agreed to approve the draft submission to Sustainable Scotland Network, attached as appendix 1 of the report, for the reporting year 2017/18.


Report by the Chief Officer



A report by the Chief Officer presented the draft Moray Integration Joint Board records management plan.


Following discussion the Board agreed to approve the draft records management plan for submission to the Keeper of the Records of Scotland for agreement.


Report by Joyce Lorimer, Integrated Services Manager



A report by Joyce Lorimer, Integrated Services Manager, informed the Board of the completion of the updated Transition to Adult Services Policy.


Mr Riddell sought clarification on performance monitoring and where and how it was reported.


In response the Chief Officer advised it was reported through the Clinical and Care Governance Committee and she would discuss this with the author of the report with the possibility of providing a further report to the Board.


Following further discussion the Board agreed to:

  1. approve the use of the policy for its delegated functions; and

  2. await the outcome of discussions between the Chief Officer and the Integrated Services Manager in respect of a possible further report to the Board.

Report by the Head of Service, Strategy & Commissioning



A report by the Head of Service, Strategy & Commissioning, informed the Board of the statutory requirement for the production and publication of a Short Break Services Statement for Moray.


During discussion it was stated that in order to meet the deadline of 31 December 2018 for publication the Statement would initially be available online only, however if thought to be appropriate printed copies could be made available.  Awareness sessions will be provided and circulation through current networks is planned.


Further discussion covered the need to ensure recipients were made aware that short breaks would be self-funding and limited to £300.  It was advised the Statement was to ensure carers were made aware of opportunities that exist for them to have a break.


Thereafter the Board agreed to approve the Short Breaks Services Statement for publication as required under section 35 of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016.


Dr Taylor left the meeting during discussion of this item.


Report by the Chief Financial Officer



Under reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the meeting dated 14 December 2017 a report by the Chief Financial Officer asked the Board to consider the charges for services for the 2019/20 financial year, attached as appendix 1 to the report.


Mr Passmore was of the opinion that services should be benchmarked against others to understand where the Board might reap benefit and the amount the services were being subsidised.


In response the Chief Financial Officer stated it would be possible to provide a report in six months time to include benchmarking.  The Board were in agreement to a further report being presented.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. adhere to the request of Moray Council to recommend to them the charges for the services delivered within the delegated functions;

  2. approve the charges set out in appendix 1 of the report for recommendation to Moray Council for approval and inclusion into the budget setting processes; and

  3. seek a further report to the Board in six months.

Report by the Chief Financial Officer



A report by the Chief Financial Officer updated the Board on the current Revenue Budget reporting position as at 30 September 2018 and a provisional forecast position for the year end.


During discussion of funding change it was stated that when the test pilot of 5 Augmented Care Units were agreed money was available however due to subsequent cuts the money is no longer available.  It was further stated that a wider debate was required to understand whether something that looked unaffordable would provide longer term benefits.


Thereafter the Board agreed to:

  1. note the financial position of the Board as at 30 September 2018 is showing an overspend of £1,931,604;

  2. note the provisional forecast position for 2018/19 of an overspend of £3,023,959 on core services;

  3. note the progress on savings previously approved;

  4. note the revisions to staffing arrangement dealt with under delegated powers and in accordance with financial regulations for the period 1 July to 30 September 2018 as shown in appendix 3 of the report; and

  5. approve for issue, the revised Directions shown in appendices 4 and 5 of the report to NHS Grampian and Moray Council respectively.

Report by the Chief Financial Officer



A report by the Chief Financial Officer provided the Board with details of the immediate mitigating actions proposed to achieve financial balance in 2018/19 and the plans to address the over-riding overspend in future years.


The Board joined the Chair in thanking the Chief Financial Officer for the work involved in producing the report and thereafter the Board agreed to note the:

  1. management action being taken to reduce the forecast overspend in the current financial year; and

  2. financial recovery plan agreed with the Director of Finance, NHS Grampian and the Head of Financial Services, Moray Council, designed to address the overspend on core budget in the current financial year and beyond.

Dr Metcalfe left the meeting during discussion of this item.


Mr Lindsay left the meeting at this juncture.


Report by the Chief Social Work Officer



A report by the Chief Social Work Officer informed the Board of the annual report of the Chief Social Work Officer on the statutory work undertaken on the Council's behalf during the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 inclusive.  The report considered major policy and service initiatives across Social Work during the reporting period, summarised key issues in relation to governance and protection issues and advised the Board on measures taken to strengthen workforce and was duly noted.


16 pdf Surge Plan 2018-19 (143Kb)

Report by Rosemary Reeve, Interim Public Dental Service Manager



A report by Rosemary Reeve, Interim Public Dental Service Manager, informed the Board of the Health and Social Care Moray, Dr Gray's hospital and the GMed Surge Plans for 2018/19.


Following discussion the Board agreed that Health and Social Care Moray, Dr Gray's Hospital and GMed have robust and deliverable plans to manage the pressures of surge at any time of the year including the Winter/Festive period.




The Minute of the meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee dated 31 May 2018 was submitted and noted.





The Minute of the meeting of the Audit, Performance and Risk Committee dated 26 July 2018 was submitted and noted.


19 Items for the Attention of the Public

Under reference to paragraph 10 of the Minute of the meeting of the Board dated 26 October 2017 the Board agreed that the following items be brought to the attention of the public:

  1. Leanchoil Hospital and the work of the Forres Team; and

  2. Short Breaks Services Statement for Adult and Young Carers in Moray.
Chair of Meeting

The meeting was chaired by Councillor Shona Morrison.


Minute of Meeting dated 30 August 2018

The minute of the meeting of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 30 August 2018 was submitted and approved.


Minute of Special Meeting dated 27 September 2018

The minute of the special meeting of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 27 September 2018 was submitted and approved.


Action Log of Meeting dated 30 August 2018

The Action Log of the Moray Integration Joint Board dated 30 August 2018 was discussed and it was noted that all actions due had been completed.


Action Log of Meeting dated 27 September 2018

The Action Log of the special Moray Integration Joint Board dated 27 September 2018 was discussed and it was noted that all actions had been completed.


Private Items

Additional Meeting Documents


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Councillor Tim Eagle  
Ms Jane Mackie  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
Mr Sean Coady  
Mr Tony Donaghey  
Mrs Linda Harper  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Ms Jeanette Netherwood, Corporate Manager; Ms Heidi Tweedie, tsiMoray; Ms Pauline Knox, Senior Commissioning Officer; Ms Rosemary Reeve, Interim Public Dental Service Manager; Ms Lesley Attridge, Service Manager; Dr P Kelly, Forres GP; Dr M Simmons, Forres GP; Mr Matt Offer, Advance Nurse Practitioner and Mrs Caroline Howie, Committee Services Officer as Clerk to the Meeting.




Councillor Leadbitter

Councillor Coull

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